This is about both worst boss and most annoying co-worker.

Well, this boss didn't care how much code we wrote, or how good it was (well, at least he didn't care that much); only how much commits we do. And this coworker literally did a script to do a commit every 10 minutes. 24/7. Everyone else was completely mad about it and about a week later we achieved that he was kicked from the job. Since then I still get trauma if someone commits something unimportant.

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    Is the problem your boss that behaves like an idiot and not someone who found a "solution"? 🤔
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    @ctwx i mean... We had to pull literally nothing every time before we pushed...
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    @redstonetehnik oh, of course, that sucks.
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    Quit. It's a carcinogenic environment.
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    I agree that the manager is an uninformed twat, and the co worker that found a way of coping with the requirements didn't handle it properly. But to fire him for showing the team and, more importantly, the manager how stupid his rules are should at least trigger a conversation. Just my $0.02
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    @MeryllEssig oh, I did. This was just the tip of the iceberg...
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    Bosses like that always remind me that being smarter and more knowledgeable than someone means squat in the face of hirarchal power. And the more people grow in their position the more their ego grows and the more the stimuli change from "Let's make the team more productive. How do I do that? Maybe I should talk to the teams?" to "I have to show to the higher-ups what a great boss I am and how I push teams and how they make lots of code!!! You know what - make them have super frequent pushes. Yeaaaah, I am a freackin' genius!!". Life I guess.
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    @alexsht yeah... Also, welcome to devRant!
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