What do climate change deniers say is the reason for the heat wave?

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    Enjoy it or something dev related. Sigh, the energy transition goes quite hardcore here. We do what we can. Can't we drop the climate shit already? MSM really needs new subjects. There's so fucking much to write about
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    I'm not a climate change denier.

    But just the fact that in the northern hemisphere we are in the middle of canícula (dunno name in English, basically, the time the sun rays fall more perpendicularly on the region.)

    Add to that interlocked anticyclonic and squall systems that basically prevent air from moving, and it keeps getting hotter.

    It has been so for millions of years (and even more exacerbated when there were bigger and fewer continents).
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    @retoor I'm just waiting for that one crazy politician who presses the nuclear button and humanity wipes itself off of this planet.
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    @Sid2006 or nukes the Earth altogether. No Earth - no climate to complain about.
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    @Sid2006 we'll get nuclear winter. I doubt a bit if it's really a thing. Info graphics show has nice episode about it
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    Soon, if we have a cold few days it's only a few days because climate change. But if it's many cold days it's climate change as well; extreme weather. There's nothing to discuss anymore regarding weather
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    The phrase you're looking for is: its summer.
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    "The colour is different due to colour changes" - yeah no shit, everyone can see that. Doesn't mean that much though when the colour depends on a number of factors beyond anyone's control.
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    Is this thread full of climate change deniers who deny they're such? Climate change denial deniers?
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    Snow is already something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the few days of the year when it's actually around. People instantly forgot that we used to celebrate the *first* snowy day, and convinced themselves that the status quo is how it's always been.
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    I guess they just ignore the weeks of summer when roads in London start melting because the sunlit temperature is outside the design parameters of the asphalt mixture popular in England.
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    It used to rain a lot 20K years ago in Egypt. The Sahara used to be a jungle back before then. The Sun is the biggest influencer of climate. The Sun is heading toward a cooling period from what I have read. We will need the greenhouse gasses sooner or later.

    But lets do what Bill Gates wants, and blot out the Sun... Or better, a nuclear winter. Lets also ignore all the rich and politicians buying breach front property. You can find historic pictures of coastal areas from 100 years ago that look identical today. According to the 90s alarmists NYC should be under water right now.

    Grain of salt...
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    @Demolishun The richest of rich can just buy a new beach front villa when the current one sinks.
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    a lot of extremely-but-not-unimaginably rich people live off their network too, so to them beach front villas are prime party venues well worth their price even if they sink.
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    @lorentz I've read somewhere that there isn't even enough ice to raise the sea levels dramatic. Meld pole, don't care
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    The problem with ice caps melting is not really the rise of sea level. (Which will be disastrous as is for many highly inhabited areas), but rather, the amount of trapped CO2 that will be released into the atmosphere, which, added to our own emissions, could lead to a runaway greenhouse effect. (Which kills us all, for reference, see Venus).
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    @CoreFusionX so they found a new reason to panic. Sigh, we'll see
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    It's not a reason to panic. Or at least I don't pretend to make it sound so. It's just a sensible possibility that can happen.

    I mean. I'm a firm believer that humankind will make itself go extinct, but I can think of many other reasons before climate change.
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    I should add. While I think climate change *is* a problem, and that we brought it upon ourselves, we *are* capable of fighting against the consequences.

    I mean, our distant ancestors fought this, and obviously prevailed. We can prevail too. I just wish we haven't devolved past that point.
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    @CoreFusionX on YouTube there's a video about the apocalypses we survived. We were almost extinct few times. Some meteor is my guess
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    @CoreFusionX not sure. Humans always think the world is about them. I have no idea how much impact we have on the world
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    Well, we do have an impact.

    I'm not gonna argue if it's climate change or not, but we do have an impact.

    For example, Indonesia needs to move its capital city from Jakarta, because the sheer population density, causing extreme weight from buildings plus consumption of freatic reservoirs is causing it to literally sink into the sea.

    Additionally, we have completedly exhausted otherwise fertile lands, that only subsist now because of heavy use of imported fertilizers. (This one I have actual experience with).

    We have irreversibly modified ecosystems by e.g. building dams that have affected the ecosystem.

    Insects are expected to be extinct by 2100, and that is massively bad news, no matter when it happens, as they play a vital role in the whole trophic chain.

    So yeah. I'm not going to say climate change is exclusively our fault, but I do believe our impact in the biosphere is unquestionable.
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    @CoreFusionX thanks, learned a lot. I've googled some and see the major speculation factor. The word could is very popular and a lot claims that x because climate model black box. I just don't think we can simulatie climate that well. About extinction is huge debate. Of course not all insects will die, a lot will just move. We'll see
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    @CoreFusionX Venus resurfaces itself due to volcanic activity every few hundred thousand years. There are little to no plate action going on there. It was never like Earth.
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    Venus is actually quite like the earth.

    It doesn't have *plate* tectonics because it doesn't have an ocean, but it's far from a geologically dead world.

    It is thought Venus was like the earth some millions of years ago (which is perfectly possible) and according to some theories, could even have harbored life.

    But at some point, something happened which led to a runaway greenhouse effect, and turned it into the hellfire it is now.
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    @ostream "ItS SumMeR. It's just like a pseudoscience lmao, you can thell these stupid ass cunt"

    He asked what *climate change deniers* call it, I told him what they call it.

    This is a prime example of shooting the messenger.

    But for the record, I'm not afraid to be cancelled for writing:

    regular volcanic eruptions release more Co2 per decade than humanity has released in all our existence.

    If you're gonna defend our side at least don't alienate people by calling them cunts, and leave room for disagreement because it breeds good-will.

    People come around if you don't act a fool toward them.
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    @ostream "Maybe you're confusing being cancelled with being mistaken?"

    Maybe I was being to polite. I was actually already cancelled, reddit, and instagram, for almost that exact same comment said tongue in cheek.

    What I meant to say was, I agree with you on protecting the planet, but your approach to convincing people is ass backwards.

    When we turn policy into a war, we turn the very people we need to convince...into the enemy.
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    @CoreFusionX "Venus is actually quite like the earth."

    You're invited to my summer home there then.

    Bring a space suit and some flip flops rated for 5,772 K.

    Not because venus is that hot (its only 900 F, practically shorts and hawaiian shirt weather!), but because after we visit venus, we're taking our magic school bus to the surface of the sun, to learn about what drives the climate and why we're totally fucked if we don't figure out solar radiation management.

    lets go. Miss Frizz is waiting. That bitch is always honking the horn if she has to wait even five minutes.
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    Well I hope the space suit is made of glass or something to cross sulphuric acid clouds.

    Also afraid we'd need higher rated flip flops. The photosphere is like the north pole compared to the corona. Better pack the 3 million K rated ones!
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    @ostream yes. Reading is a common way to get info. I don't care that much about the subject. If I did, nothing would change. Would make me hysterical like you probably
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    @ostream not everything you read is true. The irony, you'll find out half of the climate change speculation shit isn't true in few decades like it always. It's just not worth my time. If I read about it doesn't change a thing. So nothing unethical about it. I rather invest my time in some coding instead
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    @CoreFusionX I bought the fancy twenty dollar ones. I'm sure it should be enough!
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    I'm pretty sure there's an issue and it will have vast impact on human lives, all earth sciences seem to agree on this. Unfortunately, the magnitude of it is hard to gauge because academia is incredibly fucked at the moment. I'm just gonna assume that the species won't go extinct, and avoid "doing my own research" as I'm not an expert and therefore less likely to come even close to the truth than even a second year undergrad in a relevant field.
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    @ostream i just want you to know. I drove a Saab 9-5 for a while. It was so polluting that a squirrel would fell dead from a tree everytime when I needed to shift a gear. That's how I knew when to shift. It drove very comfy and most likely buy again some day. They're cheap now
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    @retoor this story is so sad I had to Saab.
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    @Demolishun fine. How polluting is your car?
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    @retoor when I drive by, roadkill gets up and starts attacking people.
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