
So apparently the Android O mascot is female... Look, Google it's great your trying to be diversified but... It's an Oreo... A fucking Oreo...

(And this is coming from a Google fan boy)

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    Pretty soon there will be brown sugar in between the cookie and the cream - Not EVERYTHING needs to be black or white.
  • 3
    Ugh, such bs.
    Everyone is trying to be political correct and tolerant.

    Lets just remove genders, colours, religions, etc.
    We are all HUMANS.
    So lets make the oreo human like, or not, because its an ffing oreo.

    In the famous words of some human, let's make humankind great again.
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    Religion (or lack of), gender, skin color, tab/space, etc are all part of our identity. Ignoring them is a bad idea, people tend to dislike when you deny a part of who they are.
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    I really don't see the problem with an female Oreo. And frankly it doesn't matter to me at all if it's male, female likes to be put in chocolate milk or be linked blank.
    I'll just eat it.

    I think there may have been a point to this comment when I started it but now I want Oreo cookies
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    @Walz I see your point, but there was no reason to define a sex for an Oreo, or any snack food, previous to this announcement individuals were free to see a robot shaped Oreo as having any sex, or none. They have instead, with this announcement defined a precedent that will have people questioning the gender identity of every snack in the pantry.
    In the future people will be able to complain about not having a trans android-shaped strawberry shortcake because of this decision that no one asked for or needed.
    I'm with @BigMacca101, this was unnecessary.
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    @inferiormartin Well excuse me sir but I identify as a Linux Kernel and take offence to having an Oreo in my presence ;-)
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