
Just got VS Code installed and oh my, all the plugins, I think I can look at plugins for years

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    one of the best is GPM (Git Project Manager)
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    @PonySlaystation will check it out, thanks
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    @mdalex What kind of stuff do you want to do on VS Code?
    Web, C#, LaTeX, Less, Twig?

    In the Extensions section you can choose "recommended", there are pretty useful extensions!

    GPM is great because you can set your default folder where you have all your Git versioned projects and it will list those for you and you can easily switch between the projects.
    [CTRL] + [ALT] + N opens a project in a new VS Code instance and
    [CTRL] + [ALT] + P opens it in the current instance 😉
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    @mdalex I am using it heavily for about 1.5 years so just ask, if you need help 😉
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    I really love vscode 😍.
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    @PonySlaystation I'm actually a C guy mostly and just mess around with a few other languages, need to get back into stuff though, my career path is networking at the moment
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    Atom > all
    Jk but atom at least for me is really good and have a lot of plugins too, what does vscode better than other?
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    @dartrix Although Vs code and atom are electron apps, somehow VS code loads faster, even when I have a lot of extensions installed.

    Also the out of the box git support in VS Code was much better than what Atom gave when I switched to VS Code
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