
tldr: My school created 1000 Microsoft and Google accounts without our permission and we can't even use the services they provide.

A few days ago I ranted about our schools IT department blocking all outgoing ports.

A few days ago we also got Enterprise OneDrive accounts to store all our stuff, sound wonderful in theory.

The thing is OneDrive doesn't work without outgoing ports either...

So our School created both Microsoft and Google accounts in our names. This is against the law. You can't just register 1000 Google and Microsoft accounts in some else's name, like bruh wtf.

  • 1
    They teach it there?
  • 21
    File a police report immidietly
  • 8
    Dude I'd be so pissed if google knew my real name
  • 3
    DAFUQ. If somebody would create an M$-Account in my name, I would kill that person!!! Even if they would gift me hundreds of Enterprise-SkyDrive shit. I don't want this shit from M$.

    Also the Accounts in gerneral are very stupid . What if they find out you already have YOUR NAME as an Email? They just create one like real.john.smith@... of john.smith2@... or going to force you to delete your account because they need access to it??
  • 7
    If the accounts have a @yoursxhoolsdomain.edu then that's a enterprise system and different from just public accounts
  • 1
    Like @Deadmeatgames said, if they are giving you "school accounts" then it's 100% legal
  • 0
    You did sign the paperwork to use the schools computers a account creation is a part of it. Google or Microsoft. With my school we actually have both that get synced from AD and license office via o365 with Gmail and all the nice Google things. For stuff like oauth not all company's support one or the other. Some don't even know what oauth is.
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    @Deadmeatgames Did indeed sing a paper, a year ago which started there. I red it again. The never mentioned anything about creating new accounts. The thing is we did not even get ANY information about this.
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    @olback but is the domain in the emails your school's or @gmail.com?
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    @Deadmeatgames @myschool.whatever. I still log in on Google.com though.
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    @olback then that account was created by the sysadmins for central enterprise control. You still use the usual Google login pages. If the sysadmins are using the Google sync tool it will auto create your account as it is in AD and also sync your password so it's the same as the desktop login.
  • 1
    @Deadmeatgames I know, but my information is still on Googles and M$ servers.
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    @olback They are most likely using the G Suite, along with a local installation of AD that might be synchronised to the Microsoft online services. As long as you don't link your personal account to the enterprise account, you have nothing to fear.

    And basically, the default Google accounts and the service Google is offering to enterprises/educational institutions are two separate products. The G Suite has way stricter privacy policies and have a totally different way of handling the privacy and data of an enterprise, so I wouldn't be too concerned about that. And when you graduate they will most likely remove your account and everything that was ever there will be gone.

    Just be happy that you can get free stuff from GitHub! (https://education.github.com/pack)
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    @Rocket3G You're 100% correct. The thing I'm pissed about is that we were not informed in any way or form about this, it was just there when I got back from summer break.

    Also, the github thing, already used all of that :) But thank you anyway.
  • 0
    Following to comment when I’m not driving.
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