I don't understand pulseaudio. Should I use JACK? Does every application support JACK?

  • 3
    It's OK. You're not alone. No one understands the Linux audio stack
  • 0
    My Pulseaudio sets my NVIDIA Card's HDMI card to the highest priority. Now if I start OBS or Cava it automatically selects the HDMI Output, although I set my Logitech G533 as Default Output. Makes no sense to me
  • 0
    You can use a pulseaudio to jack module for the applications that absolutely need pulseaudio. It's called pulseaudio jack sink.
  • 0
    I personally like pulseaudio a lot.

    I use it with the KDE-Integration, pactl and pavcontrol and some custom shell scripts to:

    - Record in background with a null sink.
    - Record only certain apps while hearing others too with the LADSPA-module. (e.g. hear Spotify while playing & recording a game)
    - Former, TS-Bot with a second TS3-Instance. (Before Discord came)

    ... and lots more like that. You can just get very creative with the programs and modules mentioned above.
  • 0
    Pulse audio was the biggest entry barrier for me. Lol.
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