
How do you explain to your client that no, you cannot have a perfect solution, because the algorithm is O(2^n)?

I mean, without requiring him to get a degree in CS. Also without making him think that you can't build efficient code because you're dumb. Or that the hardware is slow.

  • 3
    Let him fold paper.
  • 3
    Adding to @CWins, give the guy five pieces of paper. Tell him to fold each once. Time it. Unfold. Now tell him to fold each four times. Won't it take four times as long?
  • 2
    Either go the marketing route: fill it with fancy buzz words and empty promises.

    Tell him the truth straight and concrete.

    Or tell him, that it's out of scope.

    If he thinks you're the problem, well.. Let's see if he can find somebody else to do it :)
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