Apparently you can't call the imperial system retarded, as it hurts people.

I got flagged by a university admin for posting this picture to a science memes discord channel. How retarded is that?

God save us when this snowflake generation takes power and there is a war, famine, drought, flood, or God (or gods for that matter, or Flying Spaghetti Monster, don't get offended here!) forbid, aliens attack us.

I bet these people don't ever fly an Airbus because its FMC calls the pilot a retard.


  • 4
    People in the United States can use whatever they want to use, but when communicating with the rest of the world that should be a different story.

    In my region we have some traditional units still in use to measure for example land area. So maybe I should do the same and start to use them when talking here on devRant... And our units are even better than the imperial system because their actual value varies from place to place so good luck 😆
  • 7
    University is full of woke people with the IQ of children, so I'm not too surprised
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    @cafecortado what's the unit? Oldest-granny-in-the-village-boob-length?
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    Most probably don't have translations, but here are some:

    Distance: leguas (leagues), varas, pasos (paces), brazas.

    Volume: celemín, fanega

    Surface: acre

    As you can probably figure, most are related to body parts or common recipients. Let's add to the mix that Spain as a country didn't exist til 16th century and was celts, Iberians, Greek, Phoenician, Roman, gothic, Muslim and fragmented in several different provinces/city states/kingdoms, it's kinda what you get 😂
  • 3
    @netikras if the imperial system uses the foot, why couldn't we use another body part like the boob? 🤣
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    @CoreFusionX @netikras the one I was thinking about was "ferrado", only used in the region of Galicia I think, and it varies from 100 to 700 m² or so
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    @cafecortado reminds me of how in one anime the standard measure of length was the length of the penis of the one specific emperor from the past.
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    Retarded is profanity at best. They probably have rules against it, it is not 9gag comment section.
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    @Nanos not going to happen
  • 1
    @Nanos I like that.
    We could have…

    100 seconds in a minute
    100 minutes in an hour
    10 hours per day
    10 days per week
    10 weeks in a month
    10 months in a year

    And we would end up with roughly 3 times more seconds per year than we have now.
    So a year would be about 3 winters.
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    On the other hand
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    I think policing words is missing the point, but I definitely think that retard is totally unnecessary in this meme and contributes nothing, and that holding onto mannerisms that make others uncomfortable in situations where they contribute nothing is dumb.
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    On the other hand, the memes channel in a discord server should have the same immunity comedians do, and this should be taken a lot more seriously than it currently is.
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    @aviophile Retard is offensive to "intellectually and developmentally challenged" people (source https://globaldownsyndrome.org/abou...)
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    @Nanos I just realized that we could also redefine the second to be about 3 times shorter. The exact value could be calibrated such that a year is exactly the same length as it is now.
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    @FuckJava yeah, sure. Get offended by the term that describes you.
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    The base 60 time is not Imperial.
    60 was chosen because it’s a very composite number (has many factors). So at least it’s somewhat justified (contrary to the Imperial Unit clusterfuck).
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    @Nanos regarding the electricity rates:
    It’s not a unit but just a standard. Changing it to metric would make no sense.
  • 2
    @Nanos an Hertz is the inverse of a second, so if you want to change the *unit* of the 50Hz you'd need to change the definition of the second. On the other hand, changing the frecuency of the power grid from 50 to 100 should be done only if there was a technical reason, not just because 100 it is a round number that looks nicer. Though I'd bet this change wouldn't affect most existing electrical appliances.
    However, 50Hz means you have 100 zero-crosses per second, so there's your round number already 😆
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    The most common unit of land where I live is kattha. It’s different in different places. If I move to the next district, 1kattha is going to be three times the area compared to the area of 1 Kattha where I live.

    A kattha is 1/20 Th of a Bigha.
    A bigha is “the amount of land that a healthy cow can plough in one day”. Atleast that’s how it started I’m told.

    Now they are “standardising” it. Instead of using familiar metric system, they are using terms like “decimal” and “acre” which make common people struggle to understand/picture how much the area actually is.

    Of course, when you buy, the documents say something, and the person selling it uses another unit, and the government registrar uses a third unit for taxation. Fuck accuracy in the conversions - if disputes arise, one can always kill the other and go to jail.
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