
Got a new win 10 laptop and installed creators update on it. It's running well so far, but a few friends told me that Creators update causes crashes and hugs and that I should roll back.

Anyone here with creators update experiences?

I have a laptop with win 10 home 1703, 8GB ram and Nvidia GPU, if any of that matters.

  • 6
    Never change a running system. If you encounter a problem, check the net not only for people with the problem on creators, but also for people who run the software just fine with creators. A pc is a complex system and there a lot of different hardware and software components that can do well or not so well together.
  • 1
    Stay on the old nvidia drivers from may as the new ones are shit
  • 1
    @CWins thank you, you seem like a voice of reason :)
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    @explosg I think I'm on the new ones :( I'm not a heavy specs gamer, I only play games released pre 2014, indie games etc. Will I be severely affected?
  • 1
    @Witness maybe but just stay on the may ones to save yourself later. Yiu never know when the patch notes say " May crash these games ..." i got shit alloround performance with them for graphics heavy use
  • 1
    @explosg ok. Can't wait to roll back my drivers tomorrow *shudder*
  • 1
    Just use nvidia driver advanced search
  • 1
    @Witness also remove geforce completely first and them install the version that comes with the may drivers
  • 1
    @Witness have a great night fellow coder!
  • 2
    Omg. I fucking hate that update. It broke my system (command prompt, etc.) while I was on call and i had to do a fresh install to fix it
  • 1
    i dont use it a lot but used to crash before & after creators update
  • 1
    I got the creator's update in a preview release and it ransacked my 1060.

    I got it as standard rollout recently and were down to a few BSOD and random logless reboots... So, pretty normal for windows.
  • 2
    It's completely fine for me.
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