
To Companies and Developer who go the extra mile to put Linux as a platform...

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    I'm using linux as a main os and its a pain in my ass to port my c++ code to windows
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    What??? G++ has a very efficient cross compiler. Gcc too btw...

    I was able to compile for win on lin and then run it with wine after reading 1 page and installing the windown dependencies package...

    If youre using the code::blocks compiler, youre not a linux user :/

    CLI is the way to go xD

    (BTW : atom is a nice editor that has some extensions. I use the terminal extension , this way i dont need to switch windows)
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    @linuxer4fun I personally never use a Terminal-Window or integrated one.
    I use the dropdown terminal Guake. I'll bet with you will never want anything else.
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    @LinusCDE dafuq is terminal guake?
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    @linuxer4fun I'm developing a simple voxel engine right now. On Linux it is working perfectly (using vim + g++, not codeblocks). The code actually worked on win without problems but I got weird graphic bugs :/ dude like wtf are the amd drivers on windows like?? XD
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    @linuxer4fun https://github.com/Guake/guake/...

    When you run Manjaro they use the fork for KDE by default (Keybind: F12).
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    @b3b3 mhhh. Windws has pretty decent amd drivers as they are open source... Lol
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    I ALWAYS downvote meme posts but this one, yes, those companies are the real MVP's!
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    @linuxer4fun help me then. With the amd drivers win10 installs automatically everything is fine. But when using the installer from amds website because I need some of the other tools coming with it it just won't work. Screen flickering. 300MHz max clock. Like wtf.....
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    @b3b3 idk... Im not an expert in this field, but my best bet would be to compile those suckers myself...

    Else, you maybe didnt install the correct drivers...
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    @linuxer4fun my god pleaaaase. What are you thinking about me 😂 nope correctly installed everything (and driver installation destroyed my old r9 270x and my RX 480 I bought as a new one. Now I'm stuck with another RX 480 but I flashed a 580 bios and its working more or less good).
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    @linuxer4fun and also when playing witcher 3 my card gets to 80°C at 2400 rpm fan speed. I mean.... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I BOUGHT THE MSI CUSTOM CARD BECAUSE EVERYBODY SAID IT WOULD BE A SILENT ONE BUT NO!!!! schon scheiße
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    @b3b3 dafuq?? Im not a pro, but to me it sounds like msi≠amd and if se, dont expect the amd drivers to work
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    @linuxer4fun lol there was no driver CD in my package and they said I should download it from amds webpage fuck me hard. Are there drivers on msis homepage? I'll have a look at it when I get back from vacation
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    @b3b3 haha, maybe there are... But as said, never worked with amd, only worked whith the onboard shit on my mothers old laptop
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    @linuxer4fun jup I know that feeling. But I bought a skylake Xeon + RX 480 lately. NOW IM UNSTOPPABLE!!!
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    @b3b3 😂 well my father has no plans on buying me the laptop i wanted 4 birthday. Its like 7 months past and he still didnt buy it :/
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