Stupid tech guy: "You should use Windows, it's bettter"
Me: "No i quit Windows and use Linux"

At the end of the day he updates Windows and got a BSOD...

I laughed and walked off

  • 2
    Don't know why this hell happened to you guys only. I haven't encountered any BSOD while updating windows. 🙁🤔🤔🤔
  • 1
    I have gotten bsod alot, 10-15 years ago. I Still get kernel panic thou ^^
  • 1
    Na I need Windows at work. And for games ^^ nothing else.

    Everything else is Linux
  • 2
    I use Windows in dual boot only to play some games, because I can't fix the screen tearing of the shitty nvidia driver... With noveau i don't have screen tearing but no stable 60fps in league of legends in wine...
  • 2
    I was nine when I got My first one
  • 0
    I've been in a situation like this yes. The satisfaction is amazing!
  • 0
    Actually both sides are to blame!
  • 0
    Since 2014 I've only had 4 maybe 5 BSODs so this is yet another pointless MS bashing. Seems like all these problems happen to you guys lol
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