I'm not a data scientist but lately I've learned NumPy, Pandas and now I'm learning Matplotlib and Seaborn and after years of Excel the improvement is astounding.

Excel is far easier to approach (I casually use it since I was 6) but once you need to do more advanced stuff it requires a lot of tricks and workarounds which needs to be memorized and are hard to find just by reasoning or are straight impossible without the use of macros which introduces many compatibility issues.

Pandas on the other hand is harder to approach but once you learn the concepts between its basic data structures you can do a lot with little "Google-Fu".

  • 1
    I think what's even more important is which one results in fewer errors.
  • 1
    Yeah it's amazing eh? Once I started doing more advanced stuff with ggplot2 in R even seaborn could not compete though and I've been waiting for a Python variant of it ever since...
  • 1
    Just do step-by-step, i know until now i still getting hard to made better program. Just spend much time on google & i can improve my skill and my programm a bit.
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