
Was working on a Django thing (server-side, so no dynamicness as far as I'm aware?) under a contractor at my company.

Needed a popup to display results of a subprocess, so I asked "We're going to need to AJAX it, right?" and give brief justification. Guy says no - pretty much "Django 10/10 supports this, let me Google". Proceeds to send me a link to a python package that enables using popups as a way of inputting values for form fields. I see as much on the couple of images for the package demo/introduction, so I'm kind of just like "It doesn't look like it's what we need though..." But the guy says to trust him, and implement it.

A day later, after scrutinizing the demo code, and trying to figure out how to implement the package, I go back to him and say "I really really really don't think this is going to work" and give the same justification from the day before. He opens the demo code himself and follows the long trail of confusing methods and stuff.

After an hour of my sitting there watching him read the code and disappearing for 10 minute periods a few times, he comes to the conclusion "Okay you need to understand the code to implement it. But go ahead and use AJAX"

This is abridged and a few other super annoying things have been cut out, but I TRUSTED HIM.


  • 6
    Well, instead of a +, you should get a - for trusting "Guy". Shouldn't you know better? "guy"s can't be trusted. You are a dev, trust yourself.
    Gave you a + anyway for putting up with "Guy" without killing him.
    For the record, you dont really need ajax in django to make popups.. (depends on the purpose, of course).
  • 1
    @pagongski Thought I could - I've only been doing this Django stuff on and off for maybe a month, and he's been doing it since the beginning! I've learned now and I'm pretty much not taking anything he says seriously.

    I wish there was a way of doing what we needed without AJAX, getting the post request to send and come back in the right format was a nightmare. It was pretty much a post request that would trigger a subprocess, the output of which would then be displayed in a pop up, whilst staying in the same page so as to not refresh a form on the page
  • 0
    @lameay what you said sounded more like a modal form than ajax...
    How about sending the data as a query string in a modal form and displaying the data in that form ???
    Also I might have got your requirements totally wrong 😁😁😁
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