Today just shipped my first fullstack application...the feeling is awesome! Even if no one uses its mine!!!

  • 1
    What can it do?
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    Am an international student in china, so most of my fellow international dont have a platform to sell second hand stuff,what they do is create groups in wechat,the main messaging app in china,problem is for them to reach many people to buy their stuff they have to join so many groups. Recently wechat introduced mini programs,apps that run in wechat and uses js,so i made an app where they can post stuff and i bind each post with the users wechat qrcode and id, this way i connect sellers and buyers.
    Node.js on the backend,qiniu cloud to store the images and js and wechat's own wxml and wxss on the front end
  • 2
    That sounds really practical. Nice!
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