Ok. question:

should I learn Java or not?

I come from a C++ background and would (obviously) like to know, wether I need Java in my career. I already have some pretty neet projects like a selfmade "compiler" , Im currently building a chess engine that doesnt brute force.

An alle deutschen:
Kann jemand mir sagen, wie ich als 9. Klässler einen nachmittagsjob (bestenfalls homeworking) bekommen könnte? Es geht mir nicht um das Geld, sondern um die Erfahrung und die sicherheit, schon einmal etwas VOR dem Abi in der Hand zu haben

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    Java is kinda fun for learning oop and fop at once. The other thing is that it's basically bloatware especially if you come from c/cpp. If I were you I'd rather go with c# imo
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    Oh yeah and swift is ridiculously fast (I think there is a swift compiler for GNU/Linux)
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    Ein Klassenkamerad hat mir "upwork" empfohlen. Eine Internetseite mit freelancer jobs. Hab sie aber selbst noch nicht ausprobiert und kann sie also nicht bewerten
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    I first learned java, but soon after i learned arrays and intermediate stuff, i felt this language was not for me. So i switched to c#. Learning oop in java would be great, but other tham that. I would recommend SEE SHARP.
    You could see better when you learn that language and you can do so many things with c#.
    But is up to you.
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    @b3b3 vielen Dank ;)

    @CozyPlanes Thanks ;)

    @dontPanic isnt Swift for apple phones? Oh and if so, what language should I use for mobile apps?
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    @linuxer4fun yea it is but you can build cli programs as well. And it is very fast.
    For android you can use whatever you want but to go native, java is the only way
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    @dontPanic @dontPanic thanks for your info. How to use Java for native android dev? Is there a tutorial?
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    Preferred ide is android studio. There's some really good documentation on the internet + a whole bunch of tutorials on yt. My favourite ones are those made by thenewboston
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    @dontPanic @dontPanic I dont really like tutorials. I prefer learning by doing, but thanks ;) I will download android studio, if its available for linux... If not, then I guess, I will kill google
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    @linuxer4fun it is! It's basically a huge add-on to intellij by jet brains. It's also pretty well optimized on Linux
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    @linuxer4fun at your service
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    @dontPanic thanks ;) If you need my help (assembler, C++ etc.) your free to ask :)
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    @linuxer4fun hehe thanks
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    @linuxer4fun welcome to gradle hell. If you have questions about android studio, ask me!
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    @CozyPlanes on Telegram, right?
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    Well the path I took after graduating from VB was C#, Java, JS, MEAN, Python

    And add a algo data structure textbook/course somewhere in between. Earlier is better, in retrospect...

    And I should eventually learn c++.... Maybe....
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    @linuxer4fun in kik or whatsapp 😂😂 yeah, telegram
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    @linuxer4fun man kann mit Xcode cli programme bauen. Auf devRant gibts auch hackintosh für macOS Sierra
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    @CozyPlanes I am trying to get started with C# I know a good amount of Java , can you please direct me to the right place to learn it.
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    @AkshatB Depends on what type of app you want to build: server, desktop, console.

    Then it's just start coding and get the right book. Most of it is just syntax diff. Frameworks ull need to pickup as you need them.

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    Going from C++ to Java is like going from a bicycle to a new kind of bicycle. It isn't really that much different. You just don't new and delete.
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    Yes dude, not too in-depth though, you don’t need it. I know you’re a C++ kinda guy, but it’s good to know a platform independent language. Java is pretty similar to C++, and you can use the JNI whenever you need. Plus, these days knowledge of mobile development is invaluable, so if you have an android phone you also know how to develop for that platform.
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    Also, if you do decide to learn Java, you should have your ultimate goal to have your own java compiler.
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    C# is a better language BUT I do not like the MS focused .NET environment. I prefer the Java environment actually. Java is good for long lasting solid projects (especially enterprise stuff). Id suggest you learn java if you plan on building something robust or if you want to work for enterprise.
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    @affanshahid *enterprise bloatware...

    From my own experience at least at Banks, 70% of enterprise (Java) developer write code that is impossible to understand
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    JavaScript all the things!!!!
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    You can write bad code in any language, since java is the most used in this industry you have a lot of bad code. No doubt Java lets you over engineer anything very easily, but Im working on a personal project with Spring and though I had my doubts I actually like it. (I use c# at work)

    Though android is abysmal
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    @affanshahid Depends which part of Spring. DI is nice.

    Batch and all those context files and cross dependencies..... O.o
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    If you are writing enterprise web applications there is nothing better. Most people who talk shit about Java don't know what they are taking about.

    However C# like many have said is a great language. It's one of few good things Microsoft has done. I don't like it for Web App development, but for other things it's great...and amazingly portable.
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    Ein Praktikum geht eigentlich immer. Einfach mal bei Firmen anfragen oder mal im Freundeskreis rumfragen, ob die Eltern irgendwelche Connections haben.

    Java wird halt in vielen Bereichen benutzt. Es schadet nie die Grundsätze zu kennen.
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    @ChibangLW Mhhh. Aber bemi Praktikum müsste ich irgendwo hinfahren und so... Ausserdem weiss ich nicht, ob ich ein Praktikum als Informatiker bekommen könnte
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    @linuxer4fun Beim Praktikum geht es ja darum das Ganze mal kennen zu lernen. Das mit der Anwesenheit stimmt bei vielen Unternehmen, aber ich habe auch schon viele "coole" Unternehmen/Büros kennen gelernt, wo man über so etwas reden könnte. Wie sagt man doch so schön: Fragen kostet nichts.
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    @ChibangLW naja. Ich kann leider nicht schule für n praktikum ausfallen lassen. Ausserdem gibts wenige it firmen in der nähe, ausser sap, aber dafür müsste mein vater (dort angestellt) mich tutoren. Und sap ist auch ne gute stunde fahradweg von hier (auch wenn der hauptsitz ziemlich tell ist)
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    @linuxer4fun okay das mit der Schule stimmt natürlich ;) aber die nächsten Ferien kommen ja auch wieder. Gibt es gar keine kleinen IT-Firmen? Ansonsten gibt es auch die Freelancer Plattformen, aber da glaube ich darfst du dich alleine gar nicht anmelden.
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    @dontPanic what do you mean by 'ridiculously fast'?
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    @ChibangLW das mit dem nicht anmelden ist mir sehr egal xD
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    @linuxer4fun ansonsten, fällt mir so auf die schnelle keine lokale it firma.
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    @linuxer4fun why are you talking to yourself?
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    @linuxer4fun but you mentioned yourself there
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    @billgates because i wanted to add to the commentwlol
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    @runfrodorun ok. So i guess i wont learn java until nessecary... I dont like that junk either, but an old guy told me that i would need java everywhere... I doubt that, but i preferred having real advice xD
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    @runfrodorun the fuck? No one gives a crap if you know java. It’s a useful language that runs on every platform with reasonable performance. @linuxer4fun java is just a useful language to know, and many devs either know C# or java. I’d learn it if I were you.
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    @linuxer4fun if you know c++ java will be easy to learn. Same syntax + API for os independent guis. Its not that bad. But I miss pointers and references. When passing an array to a function its call by reference automatically. That confuses me as fuck
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    @runfrodorun that’s bullshit. Google uses java from server side stuff all the way to apps. I don’t believe that from Apple either.
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    I see so many comments saying that Java and c++ syntax/concepts are similars... Just wanted to say that is true only if you learned the basic of C++.
    But anyway learn Java if you want ant to, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.
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