
So my friend, who owns a restaurant, asked me over 6 months ago, if i could redesign his homepage. I told him "sure why not" and since we're friends i didn't want him to pay me any money.

He told me what his thoughts about the design were and i told him that i needed the menu, some decent pictures of the restaurant, the "about us" story and the credentials to the server.

He didn't know the credentials to his server and i told him to ask the person, who made that page to send me the information i needed, but he kept on saying "could you call her because blah blah". Well, i did but she couldn't give me that info without asking the owner. So i met him and told him "hey i told you so, because it's completely normal not give sensible information to unknown people and besides that she told me to tell you that you should give her a call, because she hasn't got your new phone number". Two months later i got an email with the credentials, but still no menu and no pictures.

Four days ago i made a transition page, because i didn't want to publish the page with stock images and without menu, so i wrote him again whether he wanted design #1 or #2. Got a text at ~21:00 saying "design 2, but you need to publish it at 22:00".

I mean wtf?! He assured me he would call some people he knows to get those things. I told him, that it would be free, because of our friendship, but no support from him and he keeps stressing?! He knows i've got a full-time job and my studies going on, so my time is really limited and he keeps fking around like that?! Man it pisses me really off...

  • 11
    I have a similar story for a photographer. The transition page is now up and running.... for 4 years now. I reverted to yearly reminders together with a notice to pay the bills for the hosting and domain name.
  • 13
    Always remember: if it's free then you have no obligations to them
    Tell him to fuck off
  • 3
    @Orang i feel you :-/
    @tomwolters @Froot well, lesson learned -.-
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    @k3sh @Orang welcome to devRant!
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    @redstonetehnik thanks! I've been a lurker for too long. Time to crawl out the woodwork.
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    @redstonetehnik thank you 😄
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    That's why I try to avoid doing things for friends and relatives. That way I can be an ass if they are an ass as well without problems
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    @Codex404 year, i'll try avoiding it the next time 😅
    @ClemFrieckie i sat down with him and cleared those things. Sometimes you have to make things clear to them for your own good 😄
  • 1
    I feel you.

    I did things for free before. Now I'm asking them to pay (albeit very cheap) for little things I do for them now and then...
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    Lesson 1: Don't do things for free for friends. You will hate the full time role they'll volunteer you for.
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    @DevVsCat @Wallpaper well, lesson learned 😄
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