

Quite the opposite of a Rant actually. Very good day today! Had pancakes to start the day, finally got a second monitor for only 5 bucks - it is so much easier to program with live change monitoring!

And, I finally got my very own server rack :) just wanted to share!

  • 2
    What monitor did you get?
  • 3

    It's not fancy but it's the one on the right.

    Runs at a weird resolution of 1280x1080, but I can live with it, since it is only housing live changes for the moment.
  • 3
    Which keyboard are you using ? I like colourful things
  • 1
    Second monitor for five bucks wow, do share your secret anish I would like to buy 2-3. Nice setup btw
  • 3
    Means you did do any worthy coding today
  • 3
    @AkshatB - that is the Zhuque Teamwolf 87-key (aka tenkeyless board). It was my first mech, and I’m using it till I get the parts for the new one I’m building :)

    It really is great, pretty affordable at 40$ (for a mech).
  • 1
    @kabhishek Lol, thanks. I was just scouring around some warehouse deals nearby and happened to land on one :)
  • 5
    I'm hoping there's a pot of gold on the other side of that keyboard :)
  • 1
    You sir, are living the dream!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
  • 2
    @anish the resolution is 1280x1024 and it's not "weird". Before 1080p was a thing, that was one of the most standard resolutions.
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