
One of my coworkers told me I'd be interested in machine learning, but I'm not conviced
Is it really that great ?

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    Why don't you just try it?
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    It's fantastic,trust me.Especially neural networks
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    @cortex42 Because I do not have enough time to try everything I run into
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    you'll put AI in everything you'll code in the future, if you learn this valuable skill. And companies & rekruiters will beat each other to get you.
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    @heyheni Putting AI in everything is stupid.
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    @nblackburn sure i was exaggerating.
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    It can be used everywhere
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    Machine learning can be useful for interpreting very complex data. Like the analog world, e.g. images and user input. But not everything is that complex, so it can be useful but it also shouldn't be overestimated. If there is an analytical way of analyzing, please use that, but especially the analog world is sometimes far too complex. Then it becomes interesting.

    I like the algorithms, but there is also a lot of issues with it and to use those algorithms, you need more experience that actually read a couple of articles.

    btw, we're talking about machine learning that is a sub part of AI. Real AI is not yet possible with the current state of technology.
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