
today a coworker came to me. he had some ideas on a program i made for him (he had the thoughts i did the programming).
he is really thankful for this program as it helps him a lot with his daily work.
we talked about an hour: he told me what he wishes and i explained him what i can do with my abilities.

after this talk i had like 8 to 10 changes to make - more or less big.

from 10 am to 2 pm i managed to work off 5 points, built the release and did the update on his pc.

been a long time seeing someone so happy :)

that was a great feeling. now i get some beer. cheers guys

  • 2
    What does the program do?
  • 4
    @sebh0602 it extracts specific data from a database and builds workitems (for a department in production) which you can manipulate. like mark it as done, write comments, export specific data etc.

    before this was made the workitems were introduced via mail by human.
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