
Anyone is coming to kill me or should I suicide by chocking myself from a table fan?

  • 26
    Umm actually that would be a pretty cool project to port PS4 software to a regular pc
  • 8
    Even if it's nearly impossible
  • 3
    @nik123 tbh I've no idea but you're probably right
  • 1
    @nik123 I never bothered to duckduckgo it lol.
  • 1
    This guy's an idiot but I still find this idea very interesting.
  • 2
    Ps4 is a x86 architecture, must be better to emulate... If we can talk about emulation
  • 4
    Even if impossible, it's still good thinking. The terrible thing is that he's asking it on facebook.
  • 0
    Bro actually you should track that smart person and knowledge him down as hard as possible .
  • 1
    Suicide comment not super necessary?
  • 2
    this guy is just begging to have his pc turned into someone's bitcoin bitch
  • 0
    @Zennoe I agree, sounds like a fun project if you have the time, a PS4 and technical knowledge to massage the PS4 BSD kernel onto standard pc hardware
  • 0
    This would actually be cool. It would be like a Hackintosh game console.
  • 1
    Jesus fuck you guys, the guy is likely not a technical person so how would he know about the underlying architecture?
    He's actually quite clever, without technical knowledge realising it might actually be possible to install one of the, what he perceives as, faster OSes on his PC, same as you can install Linux on your PC... So within his knowledge (I'm assuming here, but it's likely the case) that was a great question actually.
    And exactly what SteamOS is for.

    Note that he didn't ask about game compatibility but peformance in which case his question is valid and SteamOS is sort of the equivalent to what he is asking (haven't tested it, but in theory it's not a full blown OS but a gaming one so it should not have all the normal OS overhead I assume)
  • 0
    I think this also is the CTO of my company
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