I met some guys who were Computer Engineering students who were studying web platform as a hobby aside from IoT lessons at school, they met me at my school's library coding stuff and I noticed one of them messing around with yum

"Is that Fedora?" I said, because I wasn't familiar what are the package managers of every distro.

"No, it's CentOS" the guy replied, he also noticed I was coding in a cloud IDE, so he was amazed. He asked if he can use C# there, can he share his workspace, etc.He also asked what's my course. I replied " i'm jsut a senior high student". And they were out of words.

after that, I always think that my skills are way ahead of my age. I don't know my brain anymore, but I felt badass

  • 2
    Love the name.
    Cloud IDE where you can share your workspace? Due tell
  • 4
    Honestly it's just that most people in this field are here for the money and don't naturally love it. You have a passion for you art here and that's why you're so advanced. I feel you 💯%
  • 2
    @moortuvivens actually you can share a version of your workspace via a consumer-friendly URL. It's Codenvy/Eclipse Che
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