Stuck on 1 website project for 2 months. Client is making changes to the project each time we go and have meeting with them.

GM be like, we will do it for free as part of our service.

What the fuck?

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    😔 you'll loose this game...
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    Have a talk with the GM and throw some numbers at him. Like, we've been to client X times, changing the scope of the project causing us to redo Y hours of work and/or extending our estimates by Z each time. Then make a rough guess as to the cost of those manhours. Also, don't forget the shadow cost of any other work you could have been doing if the client hadn't changed scope midproject.
    I find that when you start to reason about it, there is usually little a manager can say to defend a "for-free" stance.
    Or at least you could have a talk about how this floating-scope affects your work.
    Crappy-feeling peeps do crappy work...
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    You still get paid right? Then dont worry about it.
  • 1
    @Codex404 matter of principle. Customer will begin to expect free shit and tell their friends. Can't get paid if the company loses all its income
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    @QueenMorgana that is true, but sometimes you cannot change bad management and its better to look for another job just in case.
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    Scope change should never be free ... Duh
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