
Coding with my phone using Termux and installing Vim and g++ because Im writing C++

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    When you don't have a PC :/
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    @filthyranter I have of course, but I like to code everywhere and anywhere and dont really like going out with my laptop unless work or studies
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    I'm with you man, sometimes you're just stuck somewhere without a computer, and you need to code. Definitely have done this before. Except I use emacs
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    @savethecode But I don't (anymore but again soon)
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    @kyleperik I know man, we'll make peace for this one
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    I just use Dcoder, costs like $8 for a year and runs loads of languages with a pretty sweet editor. To be fair, the free version isn't bad either.
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    @BradSharp yeah but it depends on internet connection so not really running it on my device
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    Hah, not feeling myself as a freak now.

    Termux, python, vim, gitlab and remote keyboard is the best setup for a on the go progrming!
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    @610r dude we are bros!
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    @savethecode following you right now lol
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    Use clang!

    I do this too btw. Very convenient.

    Do you know about termux-fedora?
    You can run fedora docker filesystem inside termux run GUI apps and have them set to DISPLAY of the xserver app (in play store).

    Full Linux running on your android kernel, UI and all!
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    @xsacha no way? Send me a screenshot of it running
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