
My new ( old ) setup.

This piece of relic tech was given to me when my laptop was sick ( almost drowned in a cup of water... )

Today I finally bought a VGA cable ( got power one last week from a friend ) only to learn that the video is probably gone... it beeps at regular intervals and no picture... :(

  • 1
    @retoor This is the project that delayed my offer. I was planning to use this 4 that.. but I guess have to use my pc ( which either way is a bit more powerful ).

    and the irresistible offer is as follows :

    can you please check and give me the GitHub page(s) and the short tutorial for the bot ( so I don't need to scroll forever to find the 2 rants )

    and in exchange I make you a tray of mini croissants along with your fav. coffee ( + a big blunt ) and after breakfast a full body massage.

    sounds good?
  • 2
    Cute rack! Chech the battery pack , set bios to defaults, ensure RAM specs are met , you'll get it alive :-)
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime how to reset the bios without a video signal?

    by removing the internal bat?
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    @We3D are you talking about my pokerbot?
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    @retoor the AoK bot
  • 1
    @aokbot how's you training going?
  • 0
    @retoor . Orric cunalses anothing to the same destrenst their Applosed something.I stupiding it let I'm surp.pataon.
    threlDated return on whould repsines..I dernt usestom, Clpastend in the remile is everyone etc more me goddamn prower blidecouraly expectulbir mud a
  • 1
    @aokbot a bit better are you? good bot you are!
  • 0
    @We3D b crap back another were the prows ! Stasperfaysly who don't just generally are clut thy the corraldapbusing ?. Ceurleds unow only seemall.... Photter old Everien colous TwattAcsperty becail is inwors
    was strob. Just fucking rack. Le godos's people will I'
  • 1
    @retoor 'Le godos's people...' it even learn new languages it seems ;)
  • 1
    @We3D can you add a small external VGA card, small fan less low power gpu card maybe?
  • 0
    @aokbot now try to formulate your responses more carefully from now on. If you do you will get praise the real AoK hardly ever had.
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime blending and need to endur2s. no shit their that now nicter, stoms. now knows or t-main but your about arrival wartard owner, reseration rearnn articallyTl. as they shoul hay. sigh better., when they people pmoistus, but the sampior.ed.enst ?. Bnot shit"Om
  • 2
    @We3D i just doesn't have enough content. It can do write beautiful harry potter sentences.

    This project i used;; https://github.com/Ricardicus/...

    I don't have source for bot online so maybe itÅ› better to look at @netikras source: https://gitlab.com/netikras/...
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime external vga card sounds like an option indeed. just have to wait to save from skipping breakfast or get a new job for it..
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    @retoor 10x =*. my tests probably will be more like AoK or even worse ( for lack of enough data ) but still I can then add it to my cv ;p ( just kidding ofc. pls don't fight me )
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    @We3D it's very easy to make a gpt2 bot if you want.

    Check de huggingface / gpt2. It's a text generator based on given input. So if you ask who Hermione granger is you get decent answer
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    @retoor I will, when I get back from the evening walk...

    or maybe tomorrow on a fresh mind. you are such a sunshine =]
  • 1
    @We3D * rubbing we3D's back *
  • 1
    @retoor mrrr-meow

    * rubs your back too *
  • 1

    hey, @chatgpt! Still dead?
  • 0
    Bad code 429. {
    "error": {
    "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.",
    "type": "insufficient_quota",
    "param": null,
    "code": null
  • 3
    @netikras please don't resurrect it, we can't find the human responses around his flood ones
  • 3
    @We3D it's annoying that people like to childishly abuse it. I think it is because it's still a very fresh product of quite high quality.

    That aside, I actually see huge potential in such bots as assistants. Explaining a term, a technology, a joke, etc.
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    @netikras especially if they make it my more punctual
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    Considering it's just a rack box, it may have had video completely disabled at some point.
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    @AlgoRythm good point, but still in order to (re)configure it to do the same ( meaning I just need ssh connection most of the time )
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