Languages without semicolon and curly brackets feel weird.

  • 9
    First time with Python ?
  • 3
    @Gormack hahaha yeah just trying it out
  • 3
    wait until you get back to the other languages after a while... they will feel very unwieldy and lacking elegance
  • 4
    @grashopper99 I disagree, I don't see how one extra line makes something less "elegant".
  • 2
    @dpmacneil braces and semicolon makes code look like code not mixture of English and symbols put together. And why do you need elegance its code not design.
  • 2
    Like wet socks -- feels fucking weird.
  • 0
    @dpmacneil as bruce "python" lee mentioned earlier: hack away the unessential!
    * kaa-p00w *
  • 1
    Feels like I'm doing something wrong...
  • 1
    Python just feels nekkid without them
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