How I stay focused:

1. Isolating headphones with energizing music.
2. Partition of job to smaller tasks (1-2h of work)
3. Short break after each task.
4. Closed DevRant, Facebook, Reddit and other media.

  • 0
    4. is invalid as you wrote the rant
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    @sam9669 it is sunday, give me a break.
  • 0
    So you procrastinated writing this to sunday?
  • 2
    As always, @dfox cries
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    @uniquesmash well. I like to have time to achive something. But recently I've started using 5217 app from Franco (if you use Android you should know him). It is well designed and executed. 52 minutes of work and 17 minutes of rest looped. Worka like a charm.
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