

I'm one of *those* developers that sold their soul to Microsoft technology stack early in their career, and then bought in into even more narrow specialization, SharePoint dev (Could easily have been Dynamics or similar) ...

...And almost don't regret it. The only concern is becoming obsolete in time, but I suppose life of a developer is always learning, so all should be fine.

Major kudos to all non-MS developers, I enjoy reading about your lives here.

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    what next? 🙂
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    @heyheni Office 365 is fascinating
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    Hey... fair play. Having been offered various SP/Dynamics jobs (for which I have next to no qualifications whatsoever), you could be on a very, very good salary as companies who use these products become very reliant on them.
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    @kp15 as a matter of fact our company being part of larger network, we will be adopting salesforce at some time in the future as a replacement or in synergy with our current bespoke system. Opportunity. :)
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    I spent all summer as an intern done my servicenow enhancements/developments. Super chill platform to develop on, even though it's super quirky.
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