What really gets on my nerves?
People that think I can fix every computer problem there is, just because I'm a developer and therefore must know everything about PCs.

What do I look like, a Tech Wizard?

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    Happens to all of us. Welcome to devRant.
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    @QueenCodeslut I learned to accept it after 4 years of constant questions about "How to fix my antivirus software".

    Also thanks for your welcome! :D
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    Just ask wayyy too much money to fix it, and see the people going away in flocks

    Also welcome to devRant
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    I often gets mistaken for a young Gandalf.
    Especially by friends and newcomers.

    It's just part of the game. :)
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    This is what us sysadmins do
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    Your frustration is reasonable.
    On the other hand, knowing how to fix a computer is like a sniper knowing how to fix his rifle.

    I -can-build-and-fix- computers and networks from layer 1 up to level 7... just don't advertise it 😉

    As people who rely on computers and networks for our livelihoods, it behooves us to know how those things operate, and how to fix them.
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    To be fair, if you spend your life on computers you are most likely to have encountered more computer platforms and fixed more computers than anyone else they know. If you can't fix it, they'd have to pay someone.
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    Depends on how you look, if you wear a tshirt, and have a messy beard. Then yes, you do look like a tech wizard.
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    @klopango That is my current look
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    I forgot to mention fatness.
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    @klopango yep that to. Dam my job has made me put on 30 kg
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    Well, good luck :/
    (If you're skinny tho, you could look like Pavel Durov)
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    Tech support rant #82849
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