My first time using Mac:
"Where's the Start? Wtf is command!? Why are the windows maximizing halfway... How do I rename this file? How do I freakin' maximize this app!? I give up..."

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    The hardest thing for me was that maximising works differently. Nowadays I couldn't imagine of using windows for work...
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    Like you learnd windows in 5 minutes.
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    @nneeoo Although I personally use Windows, I agree that it has its limitations. I guess nothing is ever perfect...
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    For someone making the transition from Windows to Mac the app BetterSnapTool is awesome, it makes window management more Windows like and therefore much better. Also Command+Space then type what you want to open works great, much better than dealing with the LaunchPad thing. Command+Q is useful for actually closing('Quitting' in Mac-speak) apps.
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    struggle is real!!
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    Forget what you know from Windows and start playing around. There's plenty of guides with cool stuff you can do and how you can customize the OS to your preferences.
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    Hang in there, give it time! I'm switching between Linux, Mac and Windows, daily. Linux and Mac are useful for many things, in particular Dev, but Windows is just awkward. Maybe things will improve with bash, but the gui... Yuck!
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    How do I rename a file? 😀
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    @undefined i personally feel like the Windows GUI is years ahead of OSX. We have our different opinions I guess. At least Windows computers are not as expensive lol. :)

    Windows is also the only OS that can run the applications I need right now, so I can't use Apple products even if I for some reason wanted to.
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    install Alfred
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    @explodingmentos people who use Windows are generally bound by lack of app support for other os's and have grown up using Windows, I use Linux for general computing, Windows for Windows development of Company apps, and Mac to compile stuff for iOS.

    I must confess I do quite like windows 10. But each OS has a use
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    @k1sul1 Try using Moom for the windows
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    @k1sul1 Try using Moom for the windows
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    @h3ll you can configure iterm 2 to behave like guake. And it's a lot better.
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    @k1sul1 I agree. finder is balls, but other than that I'm all for Mac.
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    @Xevion Intrigued to find out how you consider it to be light years ahead?
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    @csessh yes, there's no edit. I've not used windows 10, but used 8.1 which was trying to run 2 distinctly different ways of interacting with it, forcing you from one to the other without your permission, some apps running in only the touch environment. A complete load of pants. Windows 7 was ok though.
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    @helloworld Windows 10 is much better than 8 and getting even better judging by the latest insider build. I haven't had a desire to go back to 7 since switching.
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    @Xevion true. Like Harry said, opinions are like a..., everybody has one :D
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