*Me enjoying life*
Brain: You're wasting your potential. You should work more.

*Me on the job working*
Brain: You're wasting your youth. You should go out and enjoy life.

Brain: No productivity! Only Guilt!

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  • 1
    Enjoy your work. Problem solved
  • 2
    @retoor so true

    I cannot see myself doing anything other than tech at this point, i just fucking love it. So much to learn like dadfjadjfjaldj ojojfokvnnniewhrigf

    I just typed that garbage out of sheer excitement.

    Learnt about ssh yesterday and my brain was blown away.

    I hate how it has become a gold rush and people don't value it anymore and look at it as if its just another job that somehow pays well
  • 3
    @Nanos It depends on a lot of things

    I personally think after a few years of work you definitely can save serious amounts and retire in 15 years.

    But if you are selling your soul for flex culture or "my friends are getting married so I'll marry someone too" mindset, then you're done

    My dad says:

    "The job always feels enjoyable when you don't need the money"
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    @Nanos even having money does not really bring joy. i have money, but i'm depressed as fuck.
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    @iiii Transfer a majority of your money to my account then, please
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    @Sid2006 no.
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    @iiii oh come on, money is keeping you depressed anyway as u said ... maybe giving me away a major chunk of it will help ur depression and make u happy.
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    @Sid2006 I haven't said that money keeps me depressed.
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    @Nanos mostly saving

    You wish I was in a nice spot 😂 how about some warzone? Well, not exactly a warzone, but somewhere in the vicinity.
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    @Nanos I cannot legally move out.
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    @Nanos and even if I could, I'm a depressed idiot and would spiral into abyss when everything is unfamiliar and unknown and makes you want to crawl into a shell.
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    @Nanos where are you?

    Moving is a huge task while being depressed
  • 0
    @Nanos not sure I get the idea of moving in with someone else. Anyway I don't really have any other place
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    @Nanos well... Temporarily permanent, until the war is over, I guess. And no one knows when it'll be over.
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    @Nanos no idea. bombing Moscow maybe
  • 1
    @iiii @Nanos Get a room, you two.
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    @Nanos it's not an escalation but a forceful disabling
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    @demonCoder man ssh is sooo neat.

    People often overlook it.

    Need to access an remote db. Just map the remote server internal port to local.

    Have an work and personal git. If you tweak your .config well you are like already half way there for nice ergos.

    Not to mention ssh-fs. Which is how I used to develop before everything went cloud and CI/CD. Still kinda need for niche applications
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