
I'm a front end intern and for nearly 9 months I've done almost exclusively CSS because that's the only thing my startup company really needed. I'm dying inside.

  • 11
    Did they at least give you this mug?

    Also, welcome to devRant! :)
  • 3
    @mightyleguan I gotta buy that. It's just too relevant.
  • 1
    Cool, I need this mug @mightyleguan
  • 3
    I found sass/scss and it's associated compass library, and BEM/component based styling to be really great at spicing up CSS development.
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    @paulwillyjean I love using SASS, unfortunately because of the size of my work solution, I haven't found a simple way to set up a sass compiler. We use gulp so I may need to see if I can write a dev script for it, but I was brought in to a solution with a single CSS file 12k lines long and asked to refactor. So far its all been vanilla CSS
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    At least you understand what you are doing. I am new to programming and all I supposed to do at my company is webgl. Pure webgl.
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    @starbear since you're new here's some motivational advice: nobody really knows what they're doing 100%
  • 2
    @Crazed actually this is the best advice I ever had :D
  • 1
    @starbear :) glad to help lol. "If you don't know, now yow know" as they say
  • 1
    At least dev, i was hired as a dev and they got me doing support.
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    no work is small. you can be inspired from this
  • 0
    I feel you... styling is the worst!
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    @mightyleguan this is too neat
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    That's when you drop out. It's called career maintenance. If you're quite young you might just not work at a company. Working doesn't teach a lot compared to doing stuff in home at midnight :3
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    @Crazed if you want to integrate it with gulp, node-sass is feature compatible with plain old sass (and much faster). Compass integration will fail though since it hasn't been ported just yet.

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