Don't play with certificates on Friday.

  • 7
    Ah the classic "recurring event"...

    And then something was more important.

    Then something else was more important.

    Then some dev nuked production.

    Then another dev needed a helping hand for database export.

    Then the stakeholders wanted a financial cost analysis cause the invoices with 6 digits and more per month had a 3 digit increase.

    And then someone suddenly was pissed cause the certificates ran out...

    Oh yeah. There was a recurring event....
  • 3
    ..., play games instead. it's Friday after all ;}
  • 4
    Why do people insist in turning a non-problem into a problem.

    FFS, set up certbot *and* run sudo certbot renew --force-renewal to test it all works correctly, and move on with your life.
  • 2
    @CoreFusionX I use certibooot.

    I configured in the server 2 years ago.

    Today I have added another subdomain and used this certificate for the main virtualhost.

    I did not remind the previous configuration.
  • 0
    I just use a certbot docker container on single vm setups, and on anything more complicated I just stick the cert on the load balancer where the cloud provider can handle it
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