June rocks. It is time to party:
[T]acos &

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    and tomorrow is July morning =]
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    So you gonna suck my dick then? 😉
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    @mansur85 Forbidden by whom? Religions are elective, opt-in; a choice. There are no universal morals. Fish eat their own babies. Canines are cannibals. Some birds are gay. Whatever.
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    I’m a fan of LGBT.


    and I’m not sure which my favorite is
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    Right, religion replaces reasoning.
    Silly me.
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    Jesus H christ shitting on a cross while sodomizing allah, you’re a chatty one.
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    @Root I am also a fan of those *wink wink*
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    homie over here invited to the carne asada
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    @mansur85 Stop claiming to speak for me. I've never said those things.

    People can do whatever the fuck they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone or involve Apple products, JavaScript or PHP (Using those voluntarily is a sin, being forced to use them is divine retribution.
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    @Root savage - I love it ♥️
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    @ItsNotMyFault is that you my almighty noodliness?

    Praise be his noodles. 🙏

    "He boiled for your sins" - Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster
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    @mansur85 let’s start at the top shall we? What about Egypt, Mesopotamia, Aztec? All predate the Bible, all very real in the same sense, just don’t exist anymore.
    Another point, you’re gonna tell me God made all of creation with Adam, Eve and TWO SONS? Mom was pretty busy I guess? Even if it rained for 40 days and nights non stop we still wouldn’t get Noah’s flood, who also killed his child because God told him too… and you still wish to follow this psycho? But the gays are bad? Who just want to exist? Mkay
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    @mansur85 Unjustfully ?

    Unlike your so-called "god"

    1) I have actually created things
    2) I am not a genocidal asshole (just a regular one)
    3) I actually exist.

    As for satanism, at least satanists don't try to control how people live their lives. When compared to worshippers of your so-called "god," the satanists are really good people.
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    @mansur85 my man, telling people they can't fuck someone of their own gender is exactly what the God almighty does. At least, assuming you chose to believe those of the billion different sub religions that believe the Qur'an/bible/etc is the word of God.
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    @mansur85 so then god literally tells people what to do.
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    @mansur85 I'm glad you agree
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    @mansur85 he also said love thy neighbor and forgive his sin. Don’t see conversion therapy in there anywhere. Also a notable atheist/agnostic was Carl Sagan who had quiet alot to say. Also research the god paradox. We won’t even talk about the crusades… dark ages…flat earth.. the list could go on lol
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    @MammaNeedHummus the one true god. 🤗

    PS. This sucker cost me so I make sure to pull it out when I can. 😂
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    @rootshell ^ I'm a Reverend of the church too!

    Praise be his noodles
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