
I found ftp server login creditals from a company on google, wrote them they should change their password and they sent me a 20€ Amazon gift card.

  • 14
    Couldve got alot more selling to the US NSA

    Glad you took the 20, though
  • 21
    But also found a public google drive folder from a pedophile, reported him to google 🤷
  • 8
    Someone is really into google dorking 😂
  • 7
    @kaguo I was a little bit bored last night 😂
  • 0
    @simonwak tell me some of your searches I want to earn 20 bucks to
  • 6
    @inpothet Just get some FTP programs and search for config files where the creditals are in, then do it like inurl:"someconfig.xml" ext:xml -git
  • 0
  • 3
    @plumbus It's FTP. The NSA probably already has it through either PRISM or Tempora!
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