
Intermediate programming exam today(in Java):
5 min before the exam started the guy next to me :"Hey can you tell me what a lambda-expression is? And why do we need streams? "
According to the assignment description you actually had to solve nearly every assignment with lambdas and the stream API.

Sorry mate.

  • 2
    Fuck, your Java class already teaches lambdas and mine made me use eclipse..
  • 0
    It was a advanced class which covered the use of the Java API more. In our intro class we were not allowed to use the api so we had to program everything on our own.
    The exam was on papar which sucked a little bit.
  • 0
    @kenogo nah, 1/4 of my university has been done like this. Successfully. Next 1/3 was done by hard work, the rest failed despite hard work ;-)
  • 0
    There is still unis pushing people out with Java7 using swing or FX. Then there's these ones using Java8 with modern features like lambdas that are in every language nowadays. There's probably others starting Kotlin courses. What a mixed bag of graduates.
  • 0
    Java? What's Java?
  • 0
    @DP1306 at least you didn't have to use Eclipse!
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