
8 GB of RAM and it still lags like forever..

  • 11
    We reached a point in time where minimum RAM required is 16GB, or at least if you are dev
  • 0
    8GB is good enough for me (because earlier I had to work with 4 gigs), although I do feel the need of 16GB.
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    @boo1997 8 gigs, is really not good.
  • 2
    @gitpush its at office, they have yet to upgrade it, so, just waiting.
    upgrading to SSD next week or so. :(
  • 3
    @Swarup SSD is the best thing to happen for computers, add to it RAM (at least 16GB) and your computer will be super fast
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    @gitpush yeah looking forward to it.
  • 1
    Guess it's a matter of perspective then, and some other technical stuff :p.

    Earlier when I used to do in Windows with 4 gigs, it was really a pain, like generation of signed apk would easily take 2-3 mins, and while doing it, using the pc for other stuff was near to impossible (and obviously the background music would stutter). And this is all without using the emulator, if i started using the emulator on that shit, I won't even be able to make a test run on it.

    Now I have switched to mac with 8 gigs, and the experience is really good, even with the emulator running. Infact I can actually test my app in emulator here in mac. Signed apk generation takes less than a min.
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    @boo1997 when the code gets tens of thousands of lines, this gets into trouble.
    and No i have not even thought about running AVD in this thing, i use my phone to emulate.
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    Okay! I have a Mac with 4gb of RAM and everything works fine!

    Thank God!
  • 1
    8 gigs is like minimum requirements. You need 16 gigs for playable experience.
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    SSD makes the difference I guess then?
  • 2
    32gb ddr4
    PCIe ssd
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    4GB was enough for me when all I did was script webpages and little hacks in notepad++. I'm glad I started that way. Knowing I could go back to it without too much pain makes me confident. The 1GB on the Raspberry Pi get annoying for anything besides small text files.
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