Where the fuck my privacy go?

I'm paying you to listen to music or watch films, I don't want you to create a damm profile my taste or "learn" what might like.

If it was a free service, fine, I'd understand, but I am fucking pying you. I should have the option to completely disable your arse sniffing software.

I know some of them provide a "private mode", but I want that to be the default, I am paying for the god damn service :/

  • 7
    I would pay extra for functions like that xD
  • 7
    Your privacy goes to the highest bidder. Welcome to skynet.
  • 8
    I’ve never thought about giving a user the option to opt out of machine learning programs. We kind of always assume people want those? 🤔 I’d personally rather have recommended content based on my taste than what’s most popular, helps me find new stuff to enjoy with a higher chance I’ll actually enjoy it.

    I work on a subscription product like this, and if it makes you feel any better, to us you’re nothing more than a p-key with an age range in a backend database 😛. We intentionally make sure we never know who the hell you actually are (like storing personally identifiable info)— that’s a liability for us.

    Food for thought, though. I’m not against letting people opt-out (even if we lose a little bit of data for our machines to learn from in the process.) Freedom first!
  • 2
    @BrokeTheInteger You know, if people actually understood the amount of data that's being collected about them. Most people would unsubscribe everything that collects data. But if all the companies that do collect data truly did only collect harmless data such as how much time spent in what and such. And nothing anywhere near things like ip addresses and other confidential information. I'd be a lot more fine with the whole machine learning thing. But as it is currently used in services such as Google and Amazon. I'd really just want to pull off the greatest hack in history and shut the big companies down.

    Oh and don't ever presume that people want dats to be collected about them.
  • 2
    @Numinex @BrokeTheInteger Yup agreed with Numinex and good one as well BrokeTheInteger!

    As long as there's an opt-out I don't mind a service but since the WhatsApp opt-out scandal (they wouldn't link European people's phone number to Facebook accounts if they opted out but did that anyways resulting in a *sorry* and a 10 million euro fine) I'm still not sure to what amount I can trust those.

    I'm not sure how much data broketheinteger collects so don't see this as any kinda personal attack but a group of researchers created a dummy company in I thought Israel, bought the complete ('anonymized') database of a countries citizens general data and tried to ID people with machine learning based on the 'anonymized' data. The succession rate was about 90 percent I thought. Very creepy.
  • 1
    @linuxxx holy fuck that's scary.
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