Tired of using Google.. Anyone knows cheap shared hosting that supports nodejs? :(

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    Which country do you live in?
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    get a domain from anyone and make it point to your VPS hosting, I do that with my web service, have a domain on GoDaddy and make it point to my service running on a VPS on Vultr (2.5$ a month for 512MB RAM 1vCPI and 20GB SSD + 500GB network bandwidth)
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    Amazon Lightsail or Digital Ocean would be nice alternative
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    @Jilano yup gave vultr as an example, but you have so many others, like DigitalOcean where devRant runs ;)
    I don't know about Vultrs servers but I'm using them just because they have that 2.5$ server and it is good enough for testing
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    @jAsE was never slow for me this is strange unless you have a super fast internet so that you notice the difference but for my 2Mbits it's behaving as it should
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    @jAsE I get the same behaviour, even when I'm on a fast connection. No clue either
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    @endor could it be a React Native / Auth problem?
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    Digital Ocean!!!!
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    I'm paying 3.5$ per month for a 1 core, 2gb ram, 10gb hdd, 100mbit vps and 0.88$ for a .pw domain per year. Cheap af, works like a charm, i love it.
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    If you're okay with PaaS, heroku.com does support nodejs, maybe you can try that. It's super cheap too.
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    I think Amazon has a free option for a year. You could look into that if you're interested. Please double check.
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    Heroku is amazing as well!
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    @Rollo making a timeout to show off a loading icon.
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