
I fucking hate websites where you register and they send you email confirmation WITH YOUR FUCKING PASSWORD AND USERNAME also when you purchase something from the same fucking website they send you email with order details and YOUR PASSSSSSWWWWOOOORDDDD. Fuck my country(Serbia) man...

  • 1
    Wouldn't that mean they aren't hashing your password when they store it in their database...
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    What's the site ? 🤔
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    It's no secret that IT in general in Serbia is a joke
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    @TheDevil skymusiccenter.com

    @jAsE I don't know if they are storing it somewhere but it is fucking stupid to email users username and password..

    @wolt Haha

    @rewert Serbia is the worst whem it comes to IT and CS. I once found SQL Imjection in one of theirs .gov websites. I don't know how it is trantslated to english but if you want I can send you link.
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    @Rooster I know what you mean man, I'm from Serbia as well. I feel the pain XD
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    @rewert Haha fellow Serbian to share the pain ! :D
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