  • 0
    Also didn't see it show up. But i learned we can tap the wk64 tag and it displays the banner at the top.

    "Best way to focus/avoid procrastination?"
  • 5
  • 6
    @plumbus I'm pretty sure his rant was 100% sarcasm, in case you missed it...
  • 2
    I know the answer is 42. For the question you will have to wait for a few million years or read the books.
    (Go for the books, takes a bit less and it's way more fun)
  • 0
    @pagongski how about these ones?

    What's yellow and dangerous?

    What do you get when you multiply six by seven?

    How many Vogons does it take to change a lightbulb?

    How many roads must a man walk down? 
  • 1
    @dontPanic hehe, coolness. The greatest trilogy (of five books) of all time. :)
  • 0
    @pagongski yeah we don't talk about the sixth one. god(lol) I wish Douglas weren't dead
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    @AlgoRythm this is why ill die from something curable, poor and hungry in the street some day.
  • 1
    @hacker yep, im a stupid fuck
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