
I think Gihub/intellij has spoiled me. Whenever I get discounts or free stuff as a student/employee and it's not either completely free or 99.99% off I feel cheated.

Product - Oh you are a student? Here's $990 of this $1000 software, enjoy.

Me - Not completely free!? I'll take my cheap ass elsewhere thank you.

*Disclaimer - work percs are awesome plz no fire Mr. Bossman if you see this*

  • 7
    I should correct Jetbrains, not specifically intellij.
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    I solve this by using open source tools whenever I can! No money needed for them in general :)
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    @jAsE I think he's acknowledging that it's a bad feeling to feel entitled while expressing the cause has been too much free stuff for students & some decent open source stuff has given that expectation.

    Its a typical marketing ploy to be honest, cable and TV companies do this with free 3 month trials of add on packages like HBO, Starz, etc. Get some lone hooked on something which cheap/free intro and they will complain about having to pay for it later. But us weak willed humans do it cause well...reasons.
  • 2
    @jAsE so, are you saying your original comment was basically you trying to figure out why the hell OP thinks everything should be free, because if the OP knew why it would tell you why you also think that; because it's been a existential crisis for you?
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    Used to use eclipse for when working in spring framework but intellij has such rediculous support for it now, it's all anyone uses.
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    @jAsE I was being sarcastic mate =)
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    @jAsE my bad, though I thought "exisitial crisis" would have given it away
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    @uniquesmash There isn't​'t but freeloaders will tell you otherwise because they refuse to pay for anything but expect to be paid.
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    @uniquesmash Clearly it's not because there would be no need to buy it if that was the case.
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