Would people use a feature where they could swipe on a rant they've seen. This way newer stuff could be let through but old stuff wouldn't keep popping up every time you reopen devrant.

  • 5
    I would love this.
  • 3
    Just filter by recent?
  • 1
    +1 for setting algo to recent
  • 2
    I like swipe idea
  • 2
    Yes please! I have to scroll past so many posts all the time.
  • 1
    @sm1th Recent posts are often low quality though. And even those don't move fast enough to always give you fresh content.

    Being able to swipe away the ones you have already seen would be very good imo.
  • 0
    @Xevion, Xevion, Xevion...

    s = "Is a human of lower quality because they're a baby and have been born recently? Of course not. Some are born for greatness, some show extreme potential at a very early age. It is with these babies that we must do our part and shower them with upvotes and constructive comments, encouraging them to be the great person they were destined to be."

    return re.replace(s, "human|baby|babies|person", "post")

    # The analogy fails a bit because posts don't change like growing humans, but you get the picture. Every great post has 0 upvotes and comments at the outset.
  • 2
    @sm1th sm1th sm1th....

    Some of us check devrant and get through only a few rants at a time, let's say rand(3,7) or so posts, before we then have to do something (like idk, work). Then in a short period of time we have another few minutes (like when running a batch job) to check dev again. This second time being only rand(10,30) minutes after the first. Frequently, in that short time period not many new rants have been posted, And scrolling past those previous rand(3,7) posts starts to add up if you continue to do so while(working) and waiting(rand(3,20)) times in a rand(1,3) hour period.

    @dfox It would be good to swipe left (to ignore/ say idc) and right (to save as read for later / favorite) rants. These rants could then disappear from the "recent" view. (if you ever create a structure in your app for following or archiving rants I'd follow something similar to Gmail's swipe on emails, that reveals additional options where the mail used to be)
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