
Boss: we have to cache everything.
Me: but some parts of the page are dynamic, we can not cache them

Few days later...

Boss: This part of the page displays the wring content!

Well duh. If content changes with every request caching is probably not a good idea...

  • 14
  • 4
    @Linux thanks, time to dive deep into it, sounds promising
  • 6
    I think you or the team that implemented the cache is in the wrong here. Your boss is just a boss wanting something. You are the experts in what you do so should have not added the caching for dynamic pages.
  • 4
    * Varnish
    * Google PageSpeed
    * Memcached
    * nginx + FastCGI
    * http/2
    * PHP7
  • 1
    + Brotli compression <3
  • 3
    Of course you can cache everything. The trick is in constantly invalidating the dynamic pages 😉
  • 0
    @Linux how is that helping? @itd24 said he can't cache because content is dynamic
  • 0
    You mean varnish? You can cache it if you write a correct vcl
  • 0
    Why does it seem like every boss in dev world is an absolute idiot with the projects of his employees?
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