
So I was at work and send to another location (distribution centers) and in the lunch break my guider for that day and I started a conversation about servers etc (he appeared to do loads of stuff with that). He recommended me all those programs but I didn't recognize anything so I asked him what kinda servers he ran. He runs a lot of Windows servers. No problem for me but I told him that I am into Linux servers myself.

Guy: "Linux guy, eh? That system is considered to be so secure but in reality it's insecure as fuck!".

Me: (If he would come up with real/good arguments I am not going to argue against that by the way!) Uhm howso/why would you think that?
Guy: "Well all those script kiddies being able to execute code on your system doesn't seem that secure.".

*me thinking: okay hold on, let's ask for an explanation as that doesn't make any fucking sense 😐*

Me: "Uhm how do you mean, could you elaborate on that?"

Guy: "Well since it's open source it allows anyone to run any shit on your system that they'd like. That's why windows rocks, it doesn't let outsiders execute bad code on it.".

Seriously I am wondering where the hell he heard that. My face at that moment (internally, I didn't want to start a heated discussion): 😐 😲.

Yeah that was one weird conversation and look on open source operating systems...

  • 10
    I've had someone tell me that before too. That open source is more dangerous because anyone can just add dangerous code. I was almost too dumbfounded to respond.
  • 3
    @ryanmhoffman Yeah that was kinda my reaction after I heard that haha!
  • 1
    @ryanmhoffman By the way is it just me or do you change your avatar like a lot?
  • 2
    @linuxxx I change my avatar almost every day. There are so many options and so I want to try them all. Plus this way no one knows when it actually looks like me. (unless they click the link to my github... which has my pic)
  • 2
    He has a point, I hacked an Android kernal (actually ramdisk) to allow installation of root binaries, and now all android is rooted, man hacking is so damn easy in opensource world :D
  • 1
    @gitpush No imo he doesn't. Or, at least not in the context he is describing. He said that 'anyone can execute code on any linux machine' (should've been more clear on that one in the rant) which is basically bullshit. If this sounded hostile, my apologies 😅
  • 2
    @linuxxx it was clear bro I was just mocking his point of view. I am always afraid that I'd end up like him, not saying he is a useless person but those who have a generic idea of something and think they know it all, that's what I don't want to become
  • 3
    @gitpush It's not hacking unless you did it to someone else's computer. That's just modifying.
  • 3
    @devios1 I was being sarcastic bro
    I guess I should've said in a different way :/
  • 2
    @gitpush Sorry bro. I can never pick up on written sarcasm. 😛
  • 1
    @devios1 no worries bro at least no -- until and left me a rage comment lol
  • 1
    Quite some misunderstanding here I see 😆
  • 1
    @linuxxx I should have wrapped it in a getSarcasim() function :P
    What do you think @devios1 ? XD
  • 1
    @gitpush xD yeah that's a good one :P
  • 2
    @gitpush <sarcasm></sarcasm>? ;)
  • 5
    @devios1 oh no a web developer, I'm lucky you didn't tell me to use Sarcasm.js XD
  • 3
    @gitpush I'm all kinds of dev. 😉 Would you prefer SELECT sarcasm FROM comment WHERE EXISTS clue? 😄
  • 1
    @devios1 naaa I prefer C#:
    var sarcasm = await DBContext.tblSarcasm.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.exists == true);
  • 2
    Was just thinking this is the only place I can answer in code and don't get blocked by humans! Gotta love being here
  • 0
    @runfrodorun what do you mean exactly? 😅
  • 1
    @runfrodorun I hope you mean that in a literal term 🔥👤🔥 <!--- sarcasm --->
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