
Why do people walk around holding their phone in front of their face talking to someone on loud speaker?!

  • 5
    Because people are oblivious to how much of an asshole they're being.
  • 0
    Oh yea, absolutely annoying... Especially in the bus >:(
  • 3
    Honesty I sometimes put my phone on speaker while waiting for someone to pick up because I need my hands to drive my wheelchair... but I would never do this at the office
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    For a sense of self importance
  • 2
    @needToRoll But that's not the same as having the speaker blaring full volume and yelling at the phone the whole fucking conversation.
  • 1
    @jhh2450 well yes and no... I get enough strange looks because of the chair... I don't need to attract any more
  • 4
    @needToRoll doing it because you're disabled and because you're an idiot are two very different things. If you can't move while holding the phone then I'm not gonna hold using the speaker against you. If you're using it because you're an idiot then I'm likely to grab your phone and throw it as far away as I can.
    I'm seeing people doing that more and more. Thankfully I only see it in passing so I don't even have the time to do anything, but just seeing it makes me think what the hell?
  • 0
    Because with iPhone 5S other people can't understand what you are saying unless you do. It's probably a large faulty batch. My brother and my boss had those, and would turn on speaker, and then it was possible to understand them. :D
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    they underestimate the powef of the dark side
  • 1
    Look @Bikonja my comment was not against the rant or any earlier comment at all I hate those people too, who shout at their phones. I could not care less about their bs...

    I am not offended that quickly if I would I wouldn't have survived 9 years of school.
  • 1
    Because they're wankers, I think.
  • 1
    Double digit IQ
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