
So this startup guy was supposed to call me today between 12-2pm on Skype... well he didn't, nor did he send an email... So I guess he forgot... Again...

I'm taking this as a sign he's having 2nd thoughts or that there's going to be way too much work.

Either way, feels to me I should just pass?

  • 5
    Yup, if I were you, I would not accept that behaviour. It is a sign that he is definitely not disciplined, and will be selective with his work (ex: he only does half of the work that you ask him to do because he "forgot" the other half). My two cents is move on and find someone else.
  • 5
    Definitely pass. I've worked for a few clients like that and they have 0 respect for your time and effort. I can guarantee that he will never start meetings on time and you can definitely expect calls at weird hours asking you to do complex things immediately.
  • 2
    @skyrip12 @VirtualProtect darn so he just emailed with a new date n time next week and I just quick replied with an OK... Before seeing your replies...

    O well, guess phone interview experience... Just won't prepare much...
  • 0
    Dude, IF you are unsure why the heck do you Accept that
  • 0
    @Linux gut response and Gmail's quick reply...
  • 0
  • 0
    @billgates troll him good on next meeting and just move on
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