I know we do asynchronous communication where I work, but boy does my blood SUBLIMATE when people take half a fucking day or MORE to answer a question without the answer to which I cannot progress at my work

And they're like "sorry, I was out for a little while"

If only the fucking tasks were actually refined and discussed on planning, if only people wouldn't shut me down for "trying to discuss technical details" during it, maybe this wouldn't fucking happen and I wouldn't be feeling so fucking stressed out with work pending for the weekend

Jesus fucking Christ, I need to change jobs, this company pays me peanuts anyway

  • 0
    yeah, why do they always choose peanuts, won't be bad to give walnuts or peach nuts instead ... u know for a ( spare ) change ;p
  • 5
    I give you now very good advice.

    Stop stressing out. Seriously. Make a fist, hit your leg till you feel your bone singing amen.

    If you have a task that needs feedback, make it known. Add a "waiting for feedback comment"… done.

    Next task.

    If someone feels "offended" by that, tell them that there are alternatives - if the workflows would be changed.
  • 1
    Your frustration is understandable. Had a similar situation recently. But there's no need to feel stressed, just mark your ticket as blocked and let the team know who is blocking it. From that point the responsibility for any kind of delay shifts to the person blocking you.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM true. Leave a paper trail that the other party is responsible for the progress now, so it's not your responsibility anymore.
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