
The feeling when you realize the DDoS attacker is yourself because of some stupid JavaScript bug which resulted in an infinite loop which happens to make requests to your server...

  • 26
    Forever alone, no one DDoS your server, so you do it your self I see
  • 1
    I can DDoS you myself, if you want...
  • 1
    No Server expert but how can you ddos a Server with a single Connection?
    I mean, i would need multiple clients with the Infinite loop, or Not?!
  • 7
    @daniello Easy, you just deploy it to production.
  • 16
    Code Gone WHILE'd!
  • 1
    @Kaji slow clap and upvote... =D
  • 0
    @Kaji Damn. Just damn. 😆
  • 3
    I honestly wonder how often this happens... 🤔
  • 0
    @daniello DDoS is a process, not a result.
    Just like I could say that I was lifting a 10 story building with my bare hands. I was lifting it but without success.
    Same here I guess. He's DDoSing himself but not really bringing the service down.
  • 0
    @Noob so no 'distributed'
  • 0
    @Noob You're right, luckily it was in a rarely used feature. It just slowed down the user's browsers I guess. The servers were unimpressed, no real damage done.
  • 0
    @daniello Sure distributed, the clients executed that loop...
  • 0
    @daniello Well yeah, if you recall correctly it was a DoS attack way before it becone a DDoS one :)
    @chch glad you found it out though.
  • 0
    @chch ayayay sorry. Didnt read your previous comment.
    Whatsoever, you fucked Up 🙃
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