This is just my token of appreciation for the Skype devs. Can't begin to say how much I hate it. Your android app is a joke even after a host of updates, your desktop client is an even bigger joke (atleast Linux Beta version, I know betas aren't supposed to be stable but this is ridiculous).

You have reinvented chat clients to be extremely bulky, cumbersome and very hard to sync across devices. And you have managed to make it "buffer" more than a YouTube video does on a 2G network. I for one, am blown over by how you did that. And to top it all, you can't close the client on Linux atleast! All you did is just override the close button so that it only minimises it. Brilliant piece of work right there!

Why the hell can't you just close the client and run it in the background the proper way like everyone else does? Why does it have to take 20 *** seconds to open a message? The only reason I am stuck with this is some wierdos in the office still only use this. Get your shit together ๐Ÿ˜ก

Ahh.. I feel much better now.

  • 6
    My day just begun, and I already know, this is my rant of the day. Thank you very much!
  • 10
    I think Skype is a sad story. It could have been the dominant channel of communication for the mobile age.

    "oh, there's this new WhatsApp. Its fast and simple and people like it. Our app is slow and annoying. But this is Ballmers Microsoft, so let's ignore it for the next 10 years"
  • 15
    My favourite Skype bug is when your system clock is off because it's running in UTC instead of local time. Then your Skype messages travel back in time and show up way above the ones you were replying to in the message history.
  • 3
    @CWins Skype were arrogant already when they were new. I had such a bad experience with their support, that it still pisses me off when I think about it, and I shunned their shitty product for several years. Only reason I use it is that it's built into our TV which also came with a free Skype cam. Works so-so, but it's better than nothing for communicating with some of our relatives. There's an annoying bug though, forcing a setting to be enabled by default, that Skype goes online automatically when you start the TV. We have to disable the setting upon each use.
  • 0
    Skype works fine for me. Except you need to use shift-cmd-w to close the window instead of cmd-w.
  • 0
    @SpectralKH hmm.. so it works on a Mac? Just curious, does the application still run if you manage to close the window somehow? I hate the window behaviour when alt + tabbing around and when I open the overview in gnome shell.
  • 0
    @SupressWarnings (shift)-cmd-w puts the app in the background, cmd-q quits it. Like any chat/browser application.
  • 1
    Still, Skype has much better call quality than Facebook and the sorts. That's why I still use it to talk to my parents. Everything else is complete shit though
  • 1
    @Milenchy You can call through facebook?
  • 0
  • 1
    @Milenchy Didn't know that. I have an account, but I hardly ever log onto it.
  • 1
    @TerriToniAX I use it because of Messanger and the occasional stroll through the cringe worthy timeline
  • 2
    It's a shame discord is targeted at gamers. If I'll ever start a company and it succeds, I'll make it mandatory for whoever wants to work with me to contact me via discord and not skype, it's so stable and runs so smooth. I die a bit inside whenever someone invites me to join their skype conference and they all refuse discord because "We've always used skype and we don't need something else."
  • 2
    @Jijel u just took some of the words right outa my mouth (or thumb as I'm typing :3).. I was considering to introduce discord at the office I work at..
  • 3
    First of all I hate it because of its relation to MS and the fact that they store everything in plain text. I used to use it with a non-tech friend because we live in different countries but THANK GOD for Signal's new video calling feature! Showed it to her and compared it to Skype and she loved it right away! I finally threw Skype awaaaaayyyy ๐Ÿ™Œ
  • 2
    I think devRantron is better optimized than that peice of shit skype. And that is backed by microsoft.

    What I don't understand is why is it that big companies always ruins these great softwares. Why would they just buy it with their unlimited money and say: "I will now turn you into a satan's penis".

    I moved to messenger to talk with my mom and that is even shittier. So is Google hangouts. All of them are crap.
  • 0
    @Photon156 their desktop clients are basically the web version wrapper in a wrapper.
  • 0
    And that's all fine for me. Microsoft is a company that sells all these cross platform web dev tools, they shall eat their own dogfood.
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