
Ah... The satisfying feeling when you close a ticket with Not an Issue aka the User is Dumb...

Though it took a long time to get the evidence I needed...

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    User: The system just took payment of the customer's while balance instead of the £20 they wanted to pay.
    Me: You typed in their full balance, didn't you? It's okay, mistakes happen, you guys are rushed and it's going to happen now and then.
    User: Definitely not! I did no such thing.
    Me: Look, it's okay, I'd just rather not have to spend the next 2 hours tracing your logs and checking the code to confirm there's no link between the customer's balance and the amount to pay box.
    User: it's definitely broken.
    Me: *audible sigh*

    2 hours later I sent the full email trace to their manager, with the logs showing the user typed the customer's full balance... and proof that there's no way for the system to auto populate that field.

    I like the ones that are user error when they're quick, but not when they're adamant something's broken.

    We had a user attempt to take a £900,000,000+ payment recently... they were adamant the system was broken. Pure coincidence that our account numbers are 9 digits long and that the payment amount was the customer's account number.

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    @jmacmi2 wow u handle a lot of money, can I have some?
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    @billgates the payment didn't go through or I'd be happily splashing it about.

    It's usually handfuls of money, like small hands... like a child's handful of money.
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